git and Github
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Github and git are impossible to not bring up when talking about open source. git is a command-line tool that lets you create and transverse a history of your project, making branches to add features or fix bugs while the master branch retains the cleanest and best working copy of your code. Github allows you to share your git repositories and contribute to the git repositories of other people.
- git basics: the documentation.
- The official git cheatsheet
- Another git cheatsheet for basic git commands.
- Learning git branching
- Github’s guide to understanding the process of using git and seeing the process’ flow.
- “Truncating git history”
- Guide to pushing your first project to Github
- Github MarkDown tutorial
- Make a gist: a free way to share code snippets, super useful tool. Can also be embedded in sites!
- Make repo show pages on Github using gh-pages, and here’s Github’s intro to it.
- Github’s guide to using a custom domain for your Github Pages and configuring a publishing source for Github Pages. (Do you need to understand more about domains? Check out our resources on networking and the Internet.)
- Guide to Github Issues